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2024 Grant Applications Received


St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church in Hartwell, GA has received several grant applications from non-profit 501(c)(3) organizations that provide services to those in need.  The Outreach Commitee of St. Andrew’s Church is now reviewing those applications and will announce the award winners in the near future.  The purpose of the grants is to support local organizations with their work to enable our residents to lift themselves out of poverty. Through this grant program, we are dedicated to improving the quality of life of the “neediest of the needy” and helping to end the generational cycle of poverty.  The award recipients will be announced on this website once the final decisions are made.


2023 Grants Awarded

St. Andrew’s annually awards grants to local organizations in an on-going effort to address poverty in our area.  In 2023, we awarded grants to five local organizations.


Golden K (an organization focused on providing assistance to residents of Hart County with an emphasis on senior citizens) received $1500 to aid in the construction of ramps at the homes of disabled local residents.


Hart County Humane Society received $1500 to help fund its program, operated in conjunction with local veterinarians, to provide low-cost spaying and neutering of dogs and cats for people with financial needs.


Hart County Senior Center received $900 to expand its activities program, which is open to all Hart County residents ages 60 and above.


Imagination Library, through Hart Partners, $1500 to use toward supplying books to all children in Hart County ages five and under.  Hart Partners received an additional $1500 for its summer bookmobile program, which travels around the county providing books for children to read and keep and distributes food.


Additionally, St. Andrew’s Episcopal increased its quarterly donation to

Hart Interdenominational Ministry ("HIM") to bring the 2023 annual total to $1500. HIM provides short term financial assistance for those who have encountered financial troubles.


For those organizations that provide services without regard to the financial needs of the recipients, it was their work among the needy that earned them the award.

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S​aint Andrew's 

Episco​pal Church

579 Fairview Avenue Hartwell, GA 30643 


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